与CH technology trading limited签订建网站合同


项目名称:CHtechnologytradinglimited建网站 项目网址:www.ch-element.com 公司简介: CHTechnologyTradingLimitedOurcompanywasregisteredin

项目名称:CH technology trading limited建网站



CH Technology Trading  Limited Our company was registered in Hong Kong in 2016, In order to adapt to market development and open up the business requirements, up to now, we have a number of warehouse which is located in XiaMen FuJian and Hong Kong respectively. Customers and target products are covered in the market of Asia, Europe and America. With the development of economic globalization, the demand for electronic components is increasing. Our company not only provides a strong talent team and adequate inventory of components, but also cooperates with many manufactures and independent traders.
Capacitors is our main product, we also have resistors and inductors. Additionally, we are able to provide other electronic products for automobile, medical and other consumer industries. At the same time, we will keep our product and on-line inventory up to date regularly and timely, so that we can effectively provide customers with accurate inventory inquiries, spot supply and futures order. More importantly, we have a more competitive identity that is the long-term partners of many brand suppliers, distributors and special sales agent. During our past 15 years of operation, we always adhere to the concept of integrity management, quality assurance and reasonable price as we convince that customers can get their necessary components in time at a reasonable price.

盾皇机械制造  回收布料  泰国皇家燕窝  成都微新文化传播  良品玩具  荣华胶粘  新桥绿地铂骊酒店  北京东芝空调售后  深圳做网站首选  艾乐丁国际贸易  最如办公设备  石家庄吊车租凭  乐尔母婴用品  洗浴中心汗蒸改造  塑泰高分子科技